Hyaluronic acid (HA) is a substance that is naturally present in the human body. Although Hyaluronic Acid (HA) can be found in most every cell in the body, it is found in the greatest concentrations (almost 50%) in the skin tissue. It is found in both the deep underlying dermal areas as well as the visible epidermal top layers.
Young skin is smooth and elastic and contains large amounts of HA that helps keep the skin stay young and healthy.
The HA provides continuous moisture to the skin by binding up to 1000 times its weight in water. As well Hyaluronic Acid provides volume and fulness to the skin. With age, the ability of the skin to produce HA decreases.
As we age, our skin thins out, stretches and loses elasticity causing lines, wrinkles, and creases to become more visible. Everyday acts such as frowning and smiling highlight lines and wrinkles. Although these changes in our skin are impossible to stop, there are ways to slow the aging process and hide its effects.
To the rescue come Dermal Fillers and Skin Boosters, based on HA.
Hyaluronic acid has been proven to last longer than fat and collagen injections. It maintains its shape using the body’s own moisture. What results is a longer-lasting, youthful, facial appearance.
Since the Hyaluronic Acid in Dermal Fillers (Juvederm, Emervel, Restylane) is not made from animals, there is no risk of transmitting diseases from animals or eliciting allergic reactions in patients who are sensitive to common foods, such as beef, chicken and eggs.
How is Dermal Filler treatment performed and how long do treatments take?
If you are considering Emervel/Restylane/Juvederm injections, the following information will provide you with a basic introduction to the procedure:
The actual treatment itself is very brief. Receiving Dermal Filler can take anywhere from a few minutes to an hour. This all depends on the amount of the area that needs to be treated. During the treatment, tiny amounts of gel injected into the skin by using a very fine needle.
For wrinkles, when the Dermal Fillers are injected, this provides natural volume under the wrinkle, which lifts it up and smooths it out.
For facial contours, the fillers correct deep folds and lift up the skin from cheeks and chin. This provides a fuller shape for the chin and a rounder, more sensual line along the cheeks.
When using Dermal Fillers for lip augmentation, the gel is injected into the inside of the upper or lower lip. It is also injected along the lip line to define lip contour. Not only will this help bring about a more youthful look, it can also help prevent lipstick from bleeding into the small lines around the lips.
Another advantage to Injectable Fillers is that the procedure is quick so the patient can have it done during a lunch hour. So, patients can take a lunch, have their procedure, and come back to work looking younger.