Until it’s gone, hair is easy to take for granted. But a close look reveals the hair follicle to be one of the most interesting organs of the body. It’s most unusual feature: It is self-regenerating.
Hair follicles live just below the top layer of the skin. You have them all over your body except, fortunately, on your lips, palms, and soles.
A little farther up the follicle is the mysterious feature called the bulge. That’s where follicle stem cells live.
When they get the right set of chemical signals, these self-renewing cells divide. They don’t divide like normal cells, in which both halves become new cells that keep splitting and developing. Only one half of the follicle stem cell does that. The other half becomes a new stem cell and stays put for future regeneration.
Most of us, when we think of hair loss, think about aging men. Nearly all men eventually get that receding M-shaped hairline and thinning hair on the top of the head, also known as male – pattern baldness. It’s called Androgenic Alopecia and it’s caused by a by-product of Testosterone called DHT.
Aging women have a similar problem. Their hair gets thin, although it’s not clear that this is necessarily caused by sex hormones.
What is clear is that the same thing happens in aging men and women: hair follicles get smaller. The anagen stage of hair growth gets shorter, and the resting (telogen) stage gets longer. The result: Thin, very short hairs — and many follicles empty of hair shafts.
Why is this pattern of hair loss only in the front and on top? That’s where hormone-sensitive follicles live. The follicles on the sides and back of the head aren’t affected by DHT and usually stay healthy.
Symptoms and types of Hair Loss:
You may experience hair loss in many forms and patterns. Some types of hair loss are temporary, while others are permanent. Some come on suddenly (usually causing bald patches), while others come gradually (which may cause hair thinning). Proper evaluation of hair loss is critical to ensure that the most effective hair loss treatment is selected. The following are some common types of hair loss:
- Hereditary hair loss – it is the most common form of hair loss, which usually comes on gradually and can be successfully treated in most cases. It mainly includes male and female – pattern hair loss.
Telogen Effluvium (TE) hair loss – this is the second most common type of hair loss, often appears as diffuse hair shedding. Any sudden physical, emotional change, or shock could cause TE.
Patchy hair loss also known as Alopecia Areata (AA) , which is an autoimmune disease. It can be quite sudden and often appear as circular or patchy bald spots on the scalp. For some, AA can spread to any part of body.
Traction hair loss also known as Traction Alopecia – This may be caused by wearing pigtails, cornrows or braids, or using tight hair rollers, tight hat bands, etc. It is curable if there is no permanent damage to the follicles.
An Innovative treatment for Hair loss:
We are proud to offer unique and revolutionary treatment for hair loss and hair thinning – the combination of PRP injections and Mesotherapy with Multivitamins and Minoxidil, which is most effective treatment for hair loss and thinning!

Mesotherapy treatment
Mesotherapy hair loss treatment is a non-invasive treatment uses a very small needle to deliver a mix of vitamins, enzymes, peptides, minerals, hyaluronic acid, amino acids and medication (Minoxidil) directly into the skin. These ingredients work together to stimulate natural hair growth by improving blood circulation, balance hormones in the hair follicles themselves neutralizing excess DHT, reducing inflammation, and stimulating collagen production to stop hair loss. In addition, Hair Vitamins work by enhancing and strengthening your own existing hair follicles.
PRP injections
Platelets, which are found in your blood, are loaded with proteins called growth factors that accelerate wound healing.” As it turns out, in high enough concentrations, growth factors are also believed to help battle hair loss. They stimulate the hair follicle to turn on, if it’s been in a sleeping state, and if it’s already awake, it’s like giving it a vitamin boost, helping the hair grow longer and thicker. PRP is injected into the scalp with a very thin needle, where the enriched proteins will begin the hair restoration process and soft tissue regeneration. Plasma injections trigger natural hair growth and maintain it by increasing blood supply to the hair follicle and increasing the thickness of the hair shaft, growth factors stimulate the activity of the hair follicles and promote new hair growth. As a result, the hair becomes healthier and denser.
Anyone experiencing hair loss is essentially a good candidate for PRP and Mesotherapy treatments, but those with early hair loss tend to respond best. The combination of PRP and Mesotherapy treatment is best used for patients with androgenic alopecia, which is genetically determined type of hair tinning and typically occurs along the top of the head. In women, this might look like a widening part with normal hair thickness at the back of the head.
The combination of PRP injections with Mesotherapy can double the effect of treatment – hair loss is diminished, new hair growth is activated, vitality, color and brightness of hair are enhanced, grey hair is reduced!
The results:
For best results consistency is a key. PRP treatments are performed once a month for the first 3-4 months. Mesotherapy treatments are performed every week for 4-6 weeks.
And then every 3 to 6 months thereafter, depending on the individual patient’s response and results.
Following this protocol, anticipated results can first be seen within two to three months.
Within the first few months of treatment, patients may notice they are losing less or minimal amounts of hair and soon after, they may begin to see an increase in thickness or eventual regrowth.