Is it painful?
Body FX is not painful at all and is even considered to be relaxing for most people who undergo treatment. During your treatment, you will feel a warming of your skin and a gentle pulling sensation as you feel the radiofrequency and vacuum work to smooth out stubborn and unwanted pockets of fat and cellulite.
How long does Body FX take?
One Body FX treatment area is 6 x 6 inches in size and takes 10 minutes of continuous energy that maintains a certain temperature in order to destroy fat cells. If you have treatments on multiple areas, or an area that is larger than 6 x 6 inches, the subsequent areas will take an additional 10 minutes. If you are only treating one area, you should be in and out within 30 minutes
How many treatments of Body FX need to be performed?
Patients undergoing Body FX are recommended to undergo 6-12 sessions approximately one week apart until desired result is achieved.
How long do results last?
Results are permanent and are maintained with a proper diet and exercise. Body FX does not eliminate the body’s ability to gain fat and/or cellulite, it only destroys the fat and cellulite that is already present due to genetics or lifestyle.
What do I need to do to prepare for Body FX treatment?
There is no specific preparation for the Body FX treatment. It is not recommended to use over open wounds, bruises, or sunburnt skin, as this may make the treatment painful. It is always recommended to drink plenty of water before and after your procedure to promote healing and healthy skin.

What should I expect at my appointment?
You will first meet with your provider to express your areas of concerns and go over expected results and potential outcomes. Your provider will take before treatment photographs of your problem areas (for office use only unless consent is given for other mediums) to better assess changes in appearance after each completed session. You will then change into a gown if the area you wish to have treated is under your clothing, and your provider will complete the treatment. After you are finished, you can change back into your clothes and continue your planned activities since there is zero downtime involved in Body FX treatments. Each area treated is 6 by 6 inches in size and takes 10 minutes.
What areas of the body can be treated with Body FX?
You can use the Body FX device on any areas that require reduction of fat and/or cellulite or body contouring. Body FX is most commonly used on the abdomen, hips, thighs, flanks (love handles), and back, but it is not limited to these areas.
What is the recovery from Body FX like?
There is zero downtime after a Body FX procedure. Body FX is another one of the treatments referred to as a “lunch-time procedure” because of its short duration and non-existent recovery period. You will notice a bit of redness and warmth in the area treated which does away in only a few hours. This will not prevent you from your regular activities. Most people compare the warm feeling to the warm sensation you feel after a deep tissue massage.
When will I see results?
You should be able to see results after your first treatment as far as reduction of fat and cellulite, while the skin tightening effects take more time to see. After the first few treatments, your skin’s surface should feel smoother and softer. The final result peaks at around 6 months.